LED chasser by using 4017 ic.
LED chasser by using 4017 ic. LED chasser is row of leds connected in a line. In this project we drive the 10 leds by 4017 ic. Which is decode ic it is used as a leds driver. Pinout of ic. Connect as shown i figure given below. Connection diagram. We connect all output of ic to positive led of led and negative of each led is connected to ground. Connect reset to ground with 1k resistor. And enable is also connected to ground, After that we apply the clock input to ic (maniuly or by using 555timer). List of components required (Amazon links) 1. 4017 ic https://amzn.to/2Jei9Yc 2. 8 pin ic base https://amzn.to/2Pdjjaw 3. LED light https://amzn.to/33UbOJn 4. bread board https://amzn.to/2N3XIyx 5. jumper wire. https://amzn.to/2N8mVHY 6. Resistors. https://amzn.to/2N8mVHY By varing the input signal, we can vary the spee