
Showing posts from 2020

Cnc machine with using DC motor

Cnc machine with using DC motor Components used         2 CD driver   CD driver case or enclosed CD driver is used as X-axis and Y-axis of cnc machine. You can find and components easy in crapped store and using some random components such a screw. After making machine I used text to cnc for creating a g code and used ardiuno cnc controller app for control the hole machine. If you  want details video please comment on video and also subscribe my channel for motivate me to make such assumed  projects Subscribe

Pov display using ardiuno.

Make a simple persistence-of-vision (POV) display with an Arduino. How Does the POV Display Work? What is POV(Persistence of Vision)? It can be defined in simple words. When a person sees an object, its image remains in the retina of the eye for a time interval of 1/16th of a second. This phenomenon is known as persistence of vision. This phenomenon is used in the POV Display to form images. We turn the LEDs on and off in such a way that the different images overlap each other forming letters. For example: Formation of letter "E" with 5 LEDs 1 2 3 <-- Time 1 1 1 <-- Bulb 1 the 1 0 0 <-- Bulb 2 1 1 1 <-- Bulb 3 1 0 0 <-- Bulb 4 1 1 1 <-- Bulb 5 Each row represents the 5 LEDs we use to make the Arduino POV display and each column is a time interval. Each element in the row represents the state of the LED at that given time. At t = 1 Bulbs 1,2,3,4,5 are ON At t = 2 Bulbs 1,3,5 are ON This way we can visually see the letter E formed by th...

Jumping jack game using ardiuno and 16*2 lcd.

Jumping  man game using ardiuno and 16*2 lcd display. Components required. Ardiuno nano(used any other ardiuno). 16*2 lcd display. Bread board (if required). Connecting wire.  Push button 1k ohm resistor. Connect display to ardiuno. Connect some wire permantly     connect pin1,5&16 together  it means you connecting pin 5 (Read/write) & pin 16 (led-) to ground.after that connect pin2 & pin 16 togeter it means that you connecting positive pin of lcd light to vcc(5+).   On the back side lcd display all pins are discrebe clearly. Solder the wires to pins 1,5,3,6,11,12,13,14  Which is after used for communicating lcd to ardiuno unsure the all wire to display connect tightly and not touching to each other. Connecting lcd to ardiuno. LCD RS pin to digital pin 12  LCD Enable pin to digital pin 11 LCD D4 pin to digital pin 7 LCD D5 pin to digital pin6  LCD D6 pin to digital pin 5  LCD D7 pin to digital pin 4 LCD VEE pin to digital pin...